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Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Deine Bestellung ist für den kostenlosen Versand qualifiziert. Free Shipping to Switzerland, Germany & Austria


The Vision

Artigiano was founded 1972 by Hans Aeberhard. His vision: to manufacture the perfect white shirt. The first shirts were made in the Italian part of Switzerland. He named the brand Artigiano, which is Italian for workmanship of the highest level, our basic principal until today.



The Asoni Group is the company name of the self owned factories in Switzerland and Portugal. The vertical integration and the complete control over the manufacturing and supply chain allow us to guarantee a continuous unique, high quality product.


Family Business

The Asoni Group is a true family business with the second generation following. As a team Hans and Aline Aeberhard together with Kai Müller translate the original vision of the perfect white shirt into the fast changing fashion industry.

It’s the passion for the art of shirt making, long term and sustainable relationships, which lead generations to work at the Asoni Group.



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